Struggle for Jerusalem (Zechariah 12:3; Luke 21:20)
Terrorists Fire Rocket at Southern Israel
As Israelis celebrated the Jewish State’s 64th Independence Day, terrorists from Gaza fired a rocket at the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council late on Wednesday night.The rocket exploded in an open area. No physical injuries or damages were reported.The rocket attack comes after terrorists fired a pair of rockets into southern Israel on Monday afternoon. One fell in the Ashkelon Regional Council, while the other fell in the Shaar Hanegev
Peres: There is no alterative to peace
President Shimon Peres is not a fan of the narrative led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when it comes to Iran and the Holocaust – to put it mildly.The comparisons to 1939 and Hilter do not sit will with him, either. Netanyahu's Holocaust Day speech made the president uncomfortable and those who spoke with him shortly afterwards said he was profoundly unhappy with the prime minister's rhetoric, which implied that the nuclear Iran would undoubtedly spell a second Holocaust for the Jewish people.
Damascus, Syria (Isaiah 17:1-3)
Syria opposition: Assad's forces kill 102, despite ongoing UN mission
Syria opposition forces said Thursday that 102 people were killed by President Bashar Assad's security forces in the previous day, indicating that this figure included 57 civilians killed during shelling of one neighborhood in the city of Hama.Reports of killings in Syria have continued to stream out of the war-torrn state, despite a UN-led attempt to bring a halt to the government's ongoing crackdown of opposition forces and activists.
Terrorists Fire Rocket at Southern Israel
As Israelis celebrated the Jewish State’s 64th Independence Day, terrorists from Gaza fired a rocket at the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council late on Wednesday night.The rocket exploded in an open area. No physical injuries or damages were reported.The rocket attack comes after terrorists fired a pair of rockets into southern Israel on Monday afternoon. One fell in the Ashkelon Regional Council, while the other fell in the Shaar Hanegev
Peres: There is no alterative to peace

Damascus, Syria (Isaiah 17:1-3)
Syria opposition: Assad's forces kill 102, despite ongoing UN mission

Syria blames rebels for massive blast in Hama

Muslim Brotherhood official: Egypt's peace deal with Israel must be changed

Magog Invasion – Iran, Russia (Ezekiel 38-39)
Barak: Lieberman's Wrong, Iran is a Greater Threat than Egypt
Defense Minister Ehud Barak rejected on Wednesday Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman’s claims that Egypt presents more of a security danger to Israel than Iran.Earlier this week, Lieberman told Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu that Israel has to “be prepared for all possibilities,” and suggested that the IDF create three or four southern divisions in the wake of a social and economic deterioration in Egypt and the increasing number of Egyptian troops in the Sinai Peninsula.
Barak: Lieberman's Wrong, Iran is a Greater Threat than Egypt

As Israeli leaders wrangle over Iran, a new US spy agency will deal with Tehran
Israeli leaders were harshly criticized on the eve of Israel’s 64th Independence Day for too much speechifying and no real action against a nuclear Iran, whereas the US in contrast finally made a move by establishing a new Pentagon spy agency for gathering intelligence inside Iran. April 24 and 25, when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak addressed memorial ceremonies for the fallen, they reiterated the same old “Israel will not permit Iran to acquire nuclear arms” –
Ex-Lebanese PM downplays Israel threats against Iran
In interview with al-Kawthar TV channel on Wednesday, former Lebanese Prime Minister Salim al-Hoss described the constant Israeli threats against the Islamic Republic as "mere rhetoric."
"It is not easy for the ‘Israeli’ enemy to simply attack a country like Iran, because in that case, Iran will for sure have a highly powerful response," he stated.
Russian general acknowledges nuclear threat from Iran and North Korea for the first time
April 25, 2012 – IRAN – Russia has for the first time acknowledged the nuclear threat posed by North Korea and Iran. During a televised interview with Russia Today on Tuesday, the country’s Army General Nikolai Makarov said that according to a joint analysis conducted with the U.S., there is a “probability that the threat exists.”
Israeli leaders were harshly criticized on the eve of Israel’s 64th Independence Day for too much speechifying and no real action against a nuclear Iran, whereas the US in contrast finally made a move by establishing a new Pentagon spy agency for gathering intelligence inside Iran. April 24 and 25, when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak addressed memorial ceremonies for the fallen, they reiterated the same old “Israel will not permit Iran to acquire nuclear arms” –
Ex-Lebanese PM downplays Israel threats against Iran

"It is not easy for the ‘Israeli’ enemy to simply attack a country like Iran, because in that case, Iran will for sure have a highly powerful response," he stated.
Russian general acknowledges nuclear threat from Iran and North Korea for the first time
April 25, 2012 – IRAN – Russia has for the first time acknowledged the nuclear threat posed by North Korea and Iran. During a televised interview with Russia Today on Tuesday, the country’s Army General Nikolai Makarov said that according to a joint analysis conducted with the U.S., there is a “probability that the threat exists.”
Decline of United States (Hosea 4-14)
5 New Lies That The Federal Reserve Is Telling The American People
The Federal Reserve says that everything is going to be okay. The Fed says that unemployment is going to go down, inflation is going to remain low and economic growth is going to steadily increase. Do you believe them this time? As you will see later in this article, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has been dead wrong about the economy over and over again. But the mainstream media and many Americans still seem to have a lot of faith in the Federal Reserve.
5 New Lies That The Federal Reserve Is Telling The American People
The Federal Reserve says that everything is going to be okay. The Fed says that unemployment is going to go down, inflation is going to remain low and economic growth is going to steadily increase. Do you believe them this time? As you will see later in this article, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has been dead wrong about the economy over and over again. But the mainstream media and many Americans still seem to have a lot of faith in the Federal Reserve.
Famines, Drought, Floods, Earthquakes & Pestilences (Matthew 24:7-8) (Luke 21:11; 25) (Rev 6:5-8)
Wildlife investigators look for clues in mystery of Ohio fish kill
April 26, 2012 – OHIO – The Ohio Division of Wildlife got a call on Sunday from a fisherman who told the agency they should probably come see the flood of fish carcasses in the Rocky River. When they arrived, they discovered a waterway filled with dead aqua life. The fish kill is still under investigation. Today, the ODW announced the final death toll: 28,613 fish, along with other species. But the process of counting the dead was merely the first step.
Lava from Puu Oo spreads over coastal plain
April 26, 2012 – HAWAII - Lava flows from Puu Oo vent are spreading over the coastal plain in Kalapana and over the weekend entered the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. But the flows are still about a half-mile from the ocean. The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory released new lava photos taken Monday that show slow-moving breakouts of pahoehoe lava, with the characteristic look of bunched up rope as it cools.
Wildlife investigators look for clues in mystery of Ohio fish kill

Lava from Puu Oo spreads over coastal plain

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