Struggle for Jerusalem (Zechariah 12:3; Luke 21:20)
IAF Preempts Gaza Rocket Launch
An IAF drone strike on Saturday preempted a terror cell attempting to fire rockets into Israel from Gaza.
Israeli "aircraft thwarted a rocket launch in the southern Gaza Strip," a military spokeswoman told AFP.
IAF Preempts Gaza Rocket Launch
An IAF drone strike on Saturday preempted a terror cell attempting to fire rockets into Israel from Gaza.
Israeli "aircraft thwarted a rocket launch in the southern Gaza Strip," a military spokeswoman told AFP.
Damascus, Syria (Isaiah 17:1-3)
Three days before cease-fire comes into force, Syrian army kills dozens
BEIRUT - The U.S. warned Syria this weekend that it won't be able to deceive the world about compliance with a cease-fire that is just days away. Regime forces pounded more opposition strongholds on Saturday in an apparent rush to crush resistance before troops must withdraw. Activists said more than 100 people were killed, including at least 87 civilians.
US warns Syria it can't deceive world over pullout

Middle East (Psalm 83:1-4) (Rev 9:16) (Rev 16:12)
Egypt Deploys More Troops in Sinai
Egypt's Interior Ministry on Saturday said it is boosting its security deployment at the northern Sinai Peninsula.According to Cairo's regional commander Salah al-Masri, 150 special police forces were deployed to the area near the border with Israel.
Magog Invasion – Iran, Russia (Ezekiel 38-39)
MK Hanegbi: Iran's capabilities limited
Israel not scared of Iran? The apocalyptic scenarios regarding Iranian retaliation to an Israeli strike are unfounded, as Iran's ability to harm Israel is limited, Knesset Member Tzachi Hanegbi says."I estimate, and not based on intuition, that there is no basis for the apocalyptic scenarios described around here regularly,"
Israel official: Iran official's comments prove existence of military nuclear program
An Israeli official says a prominent Iranian lawmaker's claim that Tehran has the capability to produce atomic weapons reinforces Israel's view that Iran's nuclear program has a military dimension.
The Israeli official reiterated on Saturday demands that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued last month: Iran must stop enriching uranium, remove all military-grade enriched material from the country, and dismantle its Fordo nuclear research site.
Exclusive: What were the six points Obama sent Khamenei through Erdogan?
debkafileAfter a two-hour, 15-minute conversation with US President Barack Obama in Seoul on March 25, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan undertook to fly to Tehran and personally hand Obama’s six-point message to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
MK Hanegbi: Iran's capabilities limited

Israel official: Iran official's comments prove existence of military nuclear program
An Israeli official says a prominent Iranian lawmaker's claim that Tehran has the capability to produce atomic weapons reinforces Israel's view that Iran's nuclear program has a military dimension.
The Israeli official reiterated on Saturday demands that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued last month: Iran must stop enriching uranium, remove all military-grade enriched material from the country, and dismantle its Fordo nuclear research site.
Exclusive: What were the six points Obama sent Khamenei through Erdogan?

The Rise of the Far East
Contingency plans: Kim Jong-un promotes nuclear and missile chiefs to inner circle in preparation of rocket launch
April 7, 2012 – NORTH KOREA – Their elevation to senior military ranks is being seen by diplomats and intelligence experts as a sign that he intends sticking to the hard-line path laid out by his late father, whom he succeeded three months ago. It comes ahead of a planned long-range rocket launch by North Korea this week which has led to Japan and South Korea putting their armed forces on high alert, with both threatening to shoot the missile down if it approaches their territory.
Contingency plans: Kim Jong-un promotes nuclear and missile chiefs to inner circle in preparation of rocket launch

Nuclear Contamination (Rev 8:10-11)
Fukushima Reactor 4: Life On Planet Earth in the Balance
Diplomat Akio Matsumura is warning that the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan may ultimately turn into an event capable of extinguishing all life on Earth. Matsumura posted a startling entry on his blog following a statement made by Japan’s former ambassador to Switzerland, Mitsuhei Murata, on the situation at Fukushima.
Fukushima Reactor 4: Life On Planet Earth in the Balance

Famines, Drought, Floods, Earthquakes & Pestilences (Matthew 24:7-8) (Luke 21:11; 25) (Rev 6:5-8)
Santa Clara County rattled by 13 earthquakes in seven days
April 7, 2012 – CALIFORNIA – Thirteen earthquakes, averaging a magnitude of 1.9 on the Richter scale, struck Santa Clara County this week. The largest quake, with a magnitude of 2.9, occurred just nine miles north of Morgan Hill at 2:42 a.m. Thursday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey website. Three tremors rocked the county on Friday alone, with a 1.8 magnitude quake striking three miles south of Los Altos and 20 minutes from Campbell at 5:11 p.m. A slightly smaller quake, registering at 1.5,
Santa Clara County rattled by 13 earthquakes in seven days

What’s melting so many glaciers in Antarctica? Searching for hidden volcanoes under the ice
April 7, 2012 – ANTARTICA - Mount Sidley, the highest volcano in Antarctica, may have a lot of company lurking out of sight. Scientists are using seismographs to hunt for hidden volcanoes in Antarctica. Scientists have used radar and other imaging technology to uncover some astounding finds under the East Antarctic Ice Sheet: A vast mountain range that rivals the Alps, and Lake Vostok, one of Earth’s largest lakes. Finally, seismographs can reveal hidden sources of seismic activity
Nature silences wardrums in Kashmir- Up to 135 now feared dead and buried under 80 feet of snow
April 7, 2012 – PAKISTAN - An avalanche engulfed a Pakistani army battalion headquarters near the Indian border on Saturday, burying 124 soldiers and 11 civilians, with no sign of survivors 17 hours later, the military said. The snow left by the avalanche was up to 80 feet deep over an area a kilometer wide, state television quoted army spokesman Major-General Athar Abbas as saying.