Barak: Israel, US Disagree on Iran Timetable

Defense Minister Ehud Barak says Israel and the US disagree on what would be a realistic timetable for stopping Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.
Barak reiterated Israel's concerns that Iran is trying to render nuclear program immune from attack before taking a decision on assembling atomic bombs.
Israel “cannot afford to wait" in such a situation, Barak told
Israel Radio, adding in an interview Thursday, "Israel feels directly threatened by a nuclear Iran."
West misstep against Iran will jeopardize Israel existence: Iran MP

A senior Iranian lawmaker has warned against any military move against the Islamic Republic, saying even the “slightest of errors” by the West will endanger Israel’s very existence.
“Should the Western countries want to commit the slightest of errors regarding Iran, they will be gripped by such ramifications that will endanger the existence of the Zionist regime,”
1001 Moonless Kinetic Nights: Presenting The Windows Of Opportunity For An Iranian Attack

Following last
Friday’s majority vote by the Israel Security Council authorizing Iranian “action” when required, answering the “
if“, the only open question remains “
when.” As it turns out, based on the following analysis by Rapidan Group, there are only 10 or so distinct 10 day New Moon windows for the remainder of 2012. If one removes the sandstorm prone months of April, July and September, there are 7 periods in which a military strike is realistic. Also CVN 65 is moving at a snail’s pace and is just now approaching the Straits of Gibraltar.
Syrian tanks bombard Hama; casualties reported

Syrian tanks shelled a large neighborhood in the city of Hama on Thursday following clashes between Free Syrian Army rebels and forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad, opposition sources said.
The shelling destroyed houses and left an unknown number of casualties in the Arbaeen neighborhood in the northeast of the city, which has been at the forefront of the year-long popularrevolt against Assad, they said.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad blew his chances of survival by failing to implement
democratic reforms at the early stages of the Arab Spring,
Turkey's foreign minister said Thursday.
"I don't think that this regime, with these characteristics, can survive. It is against the logic of history and the flow of history," Ahmet Davutoglu said in Vienna before heading to an EU foreign ministers' meeting in Brussels.
"A regime fighting against its own people, trying to keep the status quo, cannot survive," he told reporters.
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