Did you know that the total number of unemployed workers in G20 counties is now up to 93 million and that it is increasing with each passing day? You see, the truth is that the United States is not the only one dealing with a systemic unemployment crisis. This is literally happening all over the planet. So what is causing this crisis? Is there any hope that it will be turned around? Well, unfortunately there are several long-term trends that have been developing for decades that have played a major role in bringing us to this point.
Five Months Away From the Biggest Depopulation Event in US History
At the time of this writing, the US sits upon the edge of the biggest depopulation event in US history. No, I am not talking about the roll out of martial law, mass incarceration into detention centre's under the NDAA, nor am I speaking about the commencement of WWIII. The biggest threat the largest amount of Americans comes in the form of a Trojan Horse. What should be helping Americans to thrive and prosper into old age, is already beginning to be used as a weapon of mass destruction against the American people.
Now it's a drought as we run out of water
More councils to cut supplies, impose hose bans after 16 days without rain
And many more are warning that restrictions are likely to be imposed as temperatures rise to 30C or beyond this weekend.
But the Government is unable to say how much water is stored in reservoirs and how much capacity remains in the system.