
         Struggle for Jerusalem (Zechariah 12:3; Luke 21:20)

Patriot Battery Deployed Near Haifa

A Patriot missile battery was deployed near Haifa on Friday as Israel prepared to usher in the Passover holiday.Patriot missiles are designed to intercept medium range missiles. The last time a Patriot missile batter was deployed near Haifa was during the 2006 Lebanon War.

         Damascus, Syria (Isaiah 17:1-3)

Israeli officials see Syria falling into battle between al Qaeda, Iran

Israeli officials are very skeptical the Syrian government and opposition will stick to the cease-fire that UN envoy Kofi Annan hopes will take hold on Tuesday. Annan, a former UN general secretary, has been traveling to Syria for several weeks in an attempt to broker a truce between President Bashar Assad and opposition forces, after many months of unrest.

Syrian forces fire into Turkey and Lebanon

Syrian forces opened fire across two tense borders Monday, killing a TV journalist in Lebanon and at least two people in a refugee camp in Turkey on the eve of a deadline for a cease-fire plan that seems all but certain to fail.Across Syria, activists reported particularly heavy violence with more than
125 people killed in the past two days.

Syrian troops on offensive on deadline day

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian troops shelled villages, fired across frontiers and were accused of massacres in the hours before a deadline on Tuesday that many doubt can usher in a U.N.-brokered ceasefire and halt a 13-month slide into all-out civil war.Diplomats trying to contain a crisis that has inflamed the Middle East and pitched old Cold War rivals into opposing camps will not wish to abandon their most comprehensive peace plan yet.

Power shuffle in Syria may result in drought in Israel

Israel is closely watching the unrest in Syria. There are fears that a power change in Damascus could lead to a conflict over the strategically vital territories of Golan Heights - a crucial source of water for Israel.The Golan Heights stretch between the borders of Lebanon, Jordan and Syria, and the only freshwater lake in Israel adjoins this territory. It provides about thirty per cent of the country’s water. Water is pumped to the south and the center of the country, where it’s used for agriculture and domestic purposes.

         Middle East (Psalm 83:1-4) (Rev 9:16) (Rev 16:12)

Big US-Arab Gulf air force exercise draws Iranian warning to stop at once

At least 200 American and Arab Gulf fighter-bombers thundered overhead Sunday, April 8 at the outset of the biggest air force exercise ever conducted in the Gulf region. They are simulating war with Iran and an operation for reopening the strategic Straits of Hormuz if it is closed by Tehran. debkafile’s military sources report that 100 of the warplanes....

         Magog InvasionIran, Russia (Ezekiel 38-39)

Russian massing troops near northern Iranian border?

April 10, 2012IRANThe Russian military anticipates that an attack will occur on Iran by the summer and has developed an action plan to move Russian troops through neighboring Georgia to stage in Armenia, which borders on the Islamic republic, according to informed Russian sources. Russian Security Council head Viktor Ozerov said that Russian General Military Headquarters

         The Rise of the East

U.S. tells North Korea not to carry out nuclear test

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States urged North Korea on Monday not conduct a nuclear test or launch a satellite and called on China to exert its influence over its neighbor to try to ward off such "provocative actions."North Korea, which is pressing ahead with plans for a satellite launch despite U.S. and regional appeals that it desist, is also preparing a third nuclear test, South Korean news reports said on Sunday.

          Decline of United States (Hosea 4-14)

The Shocking Truth About Unemployment In America In One Chart

The mainstream media is not telling you the truth about unemployment in the United States. The percentage of working age Americans that are employed is not increasing. In March 2010, 58.5 percent of all working age Americans had a job. In March 2012, 58.5 percent of all working age....

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